Keywords: translation studies, scientific and technical translation, term, structuralsemantic method, lexicalthematic type, componential analysis, representation.


Among the issues of interest for modern translation studies scholars are the terminological problems of translation and the conceptualization of the term system as a resource and a result of specialized knowledge representation. Hence, the current research is dedicated to the study of the terms from the sphere of translation studies, as well as their functions. Currently, the Anglo- Ukrainian terminological system of the translation studies perspective determines the need to systematize terminological units. Besides, this necessity is motivated by the appearance of one of the first comprehensive attempts to introduce a professional metalanguage of translational glossary and terminology; namely the Encyclopedia of Translation Studies: in 4 volumes (edited by Yves Gambier and Luc van Doorslaer; mediated by O. A. Kalnichenko and L. M. Chernovaty). The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze structural-semantic and lexical-thematic transformations aimed at a systematic and organized review of translation terms. Within the framework of exploration, the concept of the term is outlined and its fundamental properties are investigated; the theoretical basis of lexical-semantic translation transformations from the position of representative and transfer function is described; a translation analysis of terminological units was carried out, with attention to the analysis of the lexical-thematic transfer of specialized terminology related to the field of translation studies. The structural component of the analyzed term compounds is examined in detail. Particular attention is paid to lexical-semantic groups: names of types of translation, names of persons, names of approaches to translation, names of general concepts of the translation process. The following research methods and techniques were used: analysis, which consists in dismembering the subject of research into components with the aim of their comprehensive study; synthesis, the basis of which is the unification of previously dismembered components into a single whole; descriptive method, the content of which is inventory, systematization and provision of a complete and accurate description of language units; the sampling method, which consists in the study of the general properties of the chosen corpora based on the study of the features of the sampled objects; translation analysis to compare English terms and their Ukrainian equivalents. The results of the study only outline aspects that require further investigation. In particular, attention to the context and compilation of a bilingual electronic glossary will be a further step of the research.


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How to Cite
Hrytsiv, N. M., Saban, O. V., & Syndeha, R. Y. (2023). TRANSLATION STUDIES ORIENTED TERMS: TYPOLOGY AND FUNCTIONS. New Philology, (89), 78-86.