Keywords: speech product, compositional levels, compositional speech forms, architectonic speech forms, text division, image, concept


The composition of the text / speech product has been considered in the paper as an integral component of the style (E. Riesel). The idea of the speech product composition in a linguistic perspective is based on a four-level hierarchical structure of the composition, each level being preparatory for the higher ones. The components of each level and their specific content in the story have been described. The text division on the formal level of the story has been revealed to be not rigid, but it clearly indicates the culmination of the plot and the introductory narrative which releases the plot from tension. On the formal-content level of the composition, typical for а story compositional speech forms such as ‘narration’, ‘description’, ‘reasoning’ and an architectonic speech form ‘dialogue’ have been considered; their role in the plot has been explained. ‘Hybrid’ compositional speech forms – a mixture of narration, description and reasoning – are intertwined into this type of architectonic speech form which somewhat slows down the dynamics of the story. The spectrum of compositional speech forms and their content are also changing during the course of the story.

On the content level of the composition, plotlines leading to the climax have been studied, and allocation of compositional speech forms along the main line has been stated. Both on the same level and figurative-conceptual level (L.S. Pikhtovnikova), formation of the concept of LONELINESS and appearance of contradictory attributes of this concept have been shown. The text analysis of the story ‘Spring Nights’ by Yu Dafu demonstrates the peculiarity of all compositional levels filling with sense. However, the compositional structure itself, types of compositional and architectonic speech forms, and text division remain conventional as well as in other speech products.

The prospects for this work are enhanced composition study of other works by Yu Dafu, including the conceptual level analysis on the basis of extraction and description of other key concepts; further detection of the link between composition and stylistics, and this author’s idiostyle; application of the developed approach to the research of compositional and stylistic features of other famous Chinese writers’ works.


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How to Cite
PIKHTOVNIKOVA, L. S., & MOTROKHOV, A. I. (2017). THE COMPOSITION AND STYLE OF THE STORY 春风沉醉的晚上 (‘SPRING NIGHTS’) BY YU DAFU. New Philology, (70), 145-149. Retrieved from