• A. I. Mamedova
Keywords: concept, mega-concept, collective consciousness, verbalization, presentation


Man and his life activity are often in the focus of modern literary and linguistic research. The object of our work is the lyrics of the great German poet G. Heine, and the subject is the MENSCH concept. The works of this author are rarely considered from the point of view of cognitive linguistics. This also determines the relevance of our research. By concept, we mean a discrete, mental formation that acts as the basic unit of the human mental code, has a relatively ordered internal structure, is the result of cognitive activity, and has complex, encyclopedic information about the subject or phenomenon. The conceptual substrate of the concept MENSCH is clearly fixed in lexicographical sources. This’s "highly developed, spiritualized, endowed with intelligence and language essence", which can acquire a variety of synonymous profiling. Concept MENSCH is presented as a certain mega-concept, which is presented by a whole system of concepts, which covers many mental presentations of this mega-concept. It is represented in a sufficiently diverse manner according to gender. The man was considered a member of society, as a professional; conceptualized MENSCH and as a person, according to their position in society. Observation of empirically material gives us the opportunity to consider as representatives of mega-concept and the names of individual historical, as well as the names of fabulous or fictional essences. The most frequent verbal representation of this concept is the feminine nouns. Such representation of the MENSCH concept through the aforementioned units is explained in large part by the fact that Heine, being the brightest representative of the romantic trend in German literature, devoted many of his works to a woman, woman, mother, woman-friend, woman-beloved. However, the concepts in Heinrich Heine's poetic works do not exist separately, they coexist, overlap, thus providing a more complete, detailed conceptualization.


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How to Cite
Mamedova, A. I. (2017). CONCEPT MENSCH IN THE LYRICS OF HEINRICH HEINE. New Philology, (71), 75-78. Retrieved from