Keywords: work of art, text, parable, formal-contentual level, compositional speech forms, linguosynergetics, attractor, repellent, bifurcation, verbal marker.


The article investigates a four-level composition of the genre of parable. According to our concept, the composition of the work of art is a structural formation, a hierarchy of formal, semantic and figurative components; they create formal, formal-contentual, contentual and associative-figurative levels, which are mutually conditioned and together systematically reflect the structure and content of the work of art. Levels of composition in art genres are constant, but the amount of content in each level is specific to each genre. Previously, the article characterized the genre of parable and provides a systematic definition, based on the characteristics and social and aesthetic goals of this genre. Attention is paid to the basic level of composition – formal-contentual, which forms the main speech forms for the transmission of content (compositional and architectural-speech forms). From the linguosynergetic point of view, the self-organization of the levels of composition and their systemic interaction occurs during the resolution of the contradictions of these levels. A description of the contradictions is provided which constantly present in the composition of not only the parable, but also any artistic text. Verbal markers in the text of the parable play a special role in resolving the contradictions of the compositional levels. The semiotic nature of verbal markers, their loading by different functions at each level of the composition is explained. The article gives examples of levels of composition in parables, in particular, examples of speech forms at the formal-contentual level of composition, as well as verbal markers in the texts are indicated, their hierarchical significances in the selforganization of the meaning of parables are clarified. Prospects for further research are the composition study of the small forms’ genres related to the parable, such as shvank, fable, facet, anecdote, epigram from a synergetic point of view. Prospects are also an in-depth study of the mechanisms of self-organization of semantic and associative-image levels of the parable composition, such as those realized by parable attractors and repellents, manifested in the bifurcation (branching) of characters, in the order parameters of this genre.


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How to Cite
Pikhtovnikova, L. S. (2022). THE COMPOZITION OF THE GERMAN PARABLE: SYNERGETIC ASPECT. New Philology, (85), 221-227.