Keywords: proper names, anthroponyms, metonymy, semantic transfer, metonymic transformations


The article deals with some pecularities of semantic shifts from proper names to homonymic common words in terms of anthroponyms in modern German. Mechanism and regular types of metonymy transfers from anthroponyms to appellatives are examined in detail. Metonymy is interpreted as the transfer of a name, the logical basis of which is the entry of the volume of one concept into the volume of another on the basis of psychological associations that reflect causal, attributive, spatial, temporal and partitive connections existing between objects. In view of this, 5 types of metonymic transfer are distinguished in the work: causal, in which the original meanings of metonyms have in the dictionary interpretation of action, state, process, event, object of action and tool; attributive, if metonyms mean quality, property, feature; local, when the semantic structure of nouns contains sems of territories, places, premises; temporal, in which the leading are sems time, period; partitive, which is due to the interaction of the concepts of part and whole. Among the metonymic transformations of anthroponyms, causal transfers predominate due to the causal relationship between the concepts of adjacent objects. Less often, an attributive type of metonymic transference is found, due to the association of the concepts of the sign and the subject / object that has the sign. Examples of local, temporal and partitive metonymy occur sporadically. There are also cases of situational metonymic transfer in the sample, the essence of which is to transfer the anthroponym to a certain subject, the connection between which is situational. Another way of forming appellations from anthroponyms is paronymic attraction, which arises by convergence of consonant words. In this case, the bearer of the name, most often a wellknown person, is associated phonetically with cognate or co-sounding words of different parts of speech, when we observe a double motivation of the name.


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How to Cite
КiykoS. V., & Lekh, O. S. (2021). METONYMIC SECONDARY NOMINATION OF ANTHROPONYMS IN MODERN GERMAN. New Philology, 1(81), 160-165.