Keywords: metaphor, linguostylistic devices, linguo-stylistic methods, linguo-stylistic techniques, translation, phrases, classification


In the study, the linguo-stylistic analysis of metaphors on the material of the novel “The Color of Magic”, written by Terry Pratchett, was discussed in detail and highlighted. The stylistic devices and constituents of contextual meanings of words, namely their emotional, expressive and estimative potential for the purpose of a deeper understanding of their functionality were considered in the article. It is proved that there is a need for stylistic devices, as difficulties have always been encountered in translating artistic works. With regard to stylistic devices, sentences can be transformed without changing the meaning. It is argued that lexical stylistic devices are the most influential. Their main feature is the vivid characterization of some phenomena through others on the basis of similarities. The stylistic devices, which are used in artistic works for a more detailed description of phenomena, an object or a person, at the same time providing them with colorfulness, emotional saturation, were analyzed. They help writers to translate them into words, to reproduce certain realities and even to awaken the imagination of the reader. They individualize the author’s language, give it a certain appreciation. The problem of the use of stylistic devices has been studied by V.A. Kuharenko and I.P. Galperin. They are the ones who identified the main groups of stylistic devices. I.R. Galperin also noted that lexical stylistic means are linked to the semantic nature of the word. It is established that metaphors give the novel a more expressive stylistic color. They individualize the language of the author. It is established that metaphor is the tool that helps build the imaginary world. It is no coincidence that metaphor is seen as a key to understanding the foundations of thinking and the processes of creating not only a national-language worldview, but also a universal one. Several inconsistencies were found in the translation of stylistic devices. The reason may be a grammatical difference of languages, as well as the peculiarities of the choice of translation transformations. However, the translators manage to keep the structure of the sentences as well as to give them a more stylistic color.


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How to Cite
Derevianko, O. S., & Albota, S. M. (2021). FEATURES OF LINGUISTIC AND STYLISTIC MEANS IN THE TRANSLATION OF TERRY PRATCHETT’S NOVEL “COLOR OF MAGIC”. New Philology, 1(81), 91-95. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-81-1-14