• O. D. Makedonova
Keywords: advertising discourse, deictic unit, personal deixis, manipulating, argumentative effect


The article is devoted to the analysis of deictic units in the English advertising discourse. The concrete aim of our research is to reveal and analyze the diectic elements in the English advertising discourse. To achieve this aim, we define the deictic units in modern English advertising texts, reveal their functional peculiarities and highlight pragmatic effect.

An essential role in the English advertising discourse belongs to the elements of personal dexis, i.e.: personal, possessive, demonstrative pronouns, which are filled with specific content and used for the indirect objects nomination in the English advertising texts. Therefore, combined with nouns, adjectives and adverbs, the deictic elements are used for a favourable presentation of a product or service (company or manufacturer), a list of their positive characteristics. Personal pronouns indicate, first of all, the company that advertises its product or service, which allows to create certain “communicative” unity with a potential buyer.

The use of possessive pronouns in connection with the name of a product or a company is primarily accompanied by the transfer of positive qualities or achievements, which has a significant argumentative effect on the addressee. Demonstrative pronouns provide more convenient opportunity to specify the subject of advertising through an indication, rather than a nomination, reducing the volume of the text, makes it more compressed, facilitates its perception and improves its mnemonicity.

It was determined that deictic elements are essential to a formation of an effective advertising message. They are an instrument in intimating the communicative space, differentiating the advertised product or service specifying their exclusive characteristics. Having an argumentative potential, the deictic elements in combination with other lexical units have an impact on the rational and emotional spheres of the recipient.


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How to Cite
Makedonova, O. D. (2017). DEICTIC UNITS FUNCTIONING IN THE ENGLISH ADVERTISING DISCOURSE. New Philology, (72), 96-101. Retrieved from