Editorial Policy

The work of the Еditorial Вoard of the scientific periodical “New Philology”  is based on the principles of science, objectivity, unbiased assessment, professionalism, information support of innovations, and observance of the norms of the publishers’ ethics.

The journal adheres to the Open Access Policy. All papers are posted on the journal’s website free of charge straight after the publication of the issue. They are also stored and are accessible in print in major national libraries of Ukraine.

The full-text access to the scientific papers published in the periodical is provided on the official website of “New Philology” in “Issues” section (http://sites.znu.edu.ua/nova_filologia/97.eng.html).

The submitted articles are reviewed according to the following criteria:
1. Compliance with the direction of the journal.
2. Compliance of the article structure with the established requirements.
3. The level of substantiation of relevance and scientific novelty.
4. The degree of disclosure of the stated topic.
5. The presence of original scientific results.
6. Correspondence of the style and language of the article to the level permissible
for printing.
7. Indication of proper references to primary sources.
8. Displaying the content of the article in abstracts of the required volume and keywords.

Review Process

The submitted papers must correspond to the scientific field covered by the journal. The manuscript must be formatted according to the requirements and guidelines that are available on the journal’s website (http://sites.znu.edu.ua/nova_filologia/95.eng.html). The editorial office accepts the students’ articles in co-authorship with the supervisor only.

The authors without a PhD degree must submit materials only in co-authorship with their academic supervisors.

The process of reviewing of the papers embraces several steps.

1. The submitted materials are registered by the editors with indication of the information on the date of submission, the title of the paper, name of the author, their affiliation, and contacts for interaction.

2. The submitted papers undergo the procedure of obligatory double blind specialist reviewing on originality, ethics and relevance. The Editorial Board enlists the linguists from both Ukrainian and foreign higher education establishments as the experts in the the blind reviewing procedure. Reviewing is aimed at forming and maintaining the highest ethical standards of research.

The Editorial Council sends the manuscript of the paper to 2 members of the Editorial Board for a review.

Editors accept or reject a paper for publication depending on the paper’s importance, originality, novelty, clarity, and relevance to the aims of the journal. The Editorial Board provides that the blind review is fair, unbiased, confidential and timely.

The papers are reviewed within the period of 30 to 60 days, after which the authors are sent an e-mail informing about its admission, rejection or the necessity of elaboration or making changes.

3. After receiving the message of admission the authors must send to the Editorial office a confirmation of payment (scan or copy of a payment slip).

4. If the material is recommended by the reviewers for further elaboration, the author is necessarily sent the text of the review without specifying the names of the reviewers, but with indication of the terms of changing the paper. The elaborated article undergoes a second review in the shortest possible time.

5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject the materials that don't correspond to the standards and aims of the journal, are not formatted according to the requirements, as well as the ones that contain unautorised citations and elements of plagiarism.

In case the article is declined, the Editorial Council sends the author a motivated refusal. Such papers are not subject to another review.

The articles that were earlier published in other scientific periodicals or made public in other forms are not be accepted.

6. The Editorial Board draws the authors' special attention to the necessity of adherence to the principles of academic ethics.

The authors bear responsibility for the original nature of the submitted papers, precision and verification of the material, calculations, correctness of quotations and references.

7. The Editorial Board selects papers for publication based on the quality of submitted articles, approves the final form and content of the "New Philology" journal.

Articles are re-reviewed no more than twice.