Keywords: Bruno Schulz, autobiographical discourse, Polish and Ukrainian Schulz studies, modernism, literary criticism, anti-criticism.


The creative heritage of Bruno Schulz was and remains the object of constant attention of critics and literary experts all over the world, especially in Poland and Ukraine. Schulz’s artistic and creative heritage is the focus of monographs, diverse investigations, and studies, reviews, annotations, articles, including debatable ones, in many of which the Schulz discourse is analyzed through the prism of contemporary urgent social needs, etc. The attitude towards the artist is constantly changing due to objective and/or subjective circumstances. However, until now, as far as the author knows, in Schulz studies, in particular Polish and Ukrainian, there are no studies on the generalization and systematization of the literary and critical reception of the creative work of Schulz-a-writer of the anti-Schulz trend. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to analyze the views of foreign and Ukrainian critics with anti-Schulz visions of his creative work, to determine the dominant and main directions of such studies. This is an article about the history of Bruno Schulz’s relationships with anti-criticism, the history of the slow but sure victory of Bruno Schulz’s creative genius over the anti-Schulz literary and critical reception. The research outlines the periods of literary and critical reception of Bruno Schulz’s literary heritage in Polish and Ukrainian Schulz studies; information on the issues of Bruno Schulz’s anti-criticism has been clarified and summarized; the impact of such receptions on the artist’s further creative work is characterized. The purpose and tasks of the article have determined the application of biographical, comparativehistorical, and sociological methods of literary studies, as well as elements of evolutionary, psychological methods, and the theory of influences. In the perspective of scientific investigations, there is the continuation of dialoguesdiscussions with scientists, critics, and literary critics of the anti-Schultz trend or with ordinary readers, for whom the creative work of Bruno Schulz remains incomprehensible and therefore unacceptable.


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