Keywords: innovative computer term, global innovative logosphere of the digital realm, direction of dynamics, phenomenology of logosphere of the digital realm.


The problem of theoretical and methodological substantiation of cross-cutting principles, directions, mechanisms, and results of qualitative dynamics of macro- and microstructures of vocabulary in the field of the digital realm as a consolidated linguistic object is still awaiting a comprehensive study. The analysis of this issue requires the involvement of a phenomenological perspective of the study of complex linguistic objects in view of the main task of phenomenological epistemology – knowledge of the full system of facts of consciousness that constitute reality. The paper overall objective is the inquiry into the phenomenological premises of comprehensive structuring of global innovative linguistic sphere of modern digital technologies (Global Innovative Logosphere of computer being as construed by the transformative neological strata of the modern globalized Chinese language). The principles of the dynamics of the microstructure of the global innovative logosphere of computer being are determined on the basis of the analysis of the lingual mechanisms of phenomenological reduction. An integrative parameter of the dynamics of the global innovation logosphere of the digital realm is the phenomenon of attraction of the corresponding general discrete innovation units of the logosphere, which are the centers of semantic phenomenological units clustering in global communication languages in digital environment. Mosaic, simulation, and multidimensional approaches to understanding complex dynamic linguistic phenomena and entities, prioritized by this methodological context, allowed us to identify the ontological nature of computer lexical innovations of the globalized Chinese language (namely, the ability to embody and structure elements of the relevant realm of life independently from the filter of human experience), which enables and provides a complex determinative interaction of multisubstrate (linguistic, existential and anthropological) parameters of the innovative logosphere of the digital realm. The dynamic interaction of the structural stages of the ICTs content plane within the linguistic innovative logosphere of computer being is characterized by the expansion of the ontological denotatum, resulting in isolation/absorption/replacement, or partial isolation/absorption/replacement of anthropogenic parameters of the content plane, mediated by the subjective and collective cognitive experience of native speakers of globalized languages in the realm of functioning and use of computer technologies (the area of the conceptual core projection of the logosphere onto the innovative logosphere of the digital realm).


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