Keywords: diagnostics, measurement, parameterization, corpus diagnostics, experimental diagnostics


Diagnostics of the problem current state contributes to the development of measures and procedures aimed at improving the understanding of the problem essence and the implementation of practical ways to solve it. The article aims at defining the concept of diagnostics compared to the related terms, which involves these concepts’ analysis in different fields of study (diagnostics in the philosophical sense, technical, medical, economic, psychological, pedagogical, linguistic diagnostics), defining parameters that reveal the meaning of the diagnostics concept. The article identifies the concept and prospects for a corpus-experimental diagnostic procedure study, considered a new branch of psycholinguistics. The notion of diagnostics in the interdisciplinary dimension implies a theory, principles, approaches, methods, and tools for detecting, recognizing, evaluating, and measuring research objects, determining the causes and dynamics of their changes to further predict and provide recommendations for improvement. The product of qualified diagnostics allows to compile a topical picture of the state or capability of the research object, determine the processes that occur with it, measure their intensity, determine the direction, identify causal and functional relationships with the environment. Diagnostics is reinforced by the methodological basis and diagnostic tools and uses accepted terminology for a particular field of study. A promising area of research in psycholinguistics is corpus-experimental diagnostics (A. Korolyova, O. Cherkhava, N. Bober, Ya. Kapranov, N. Stefanova). It is aimed at creating the scientific volume of a research concept by selecting information in corpus and experimentally processing it via a set of methods and techniques with their specific toolkit. The basis of the corpusexperimental diagnostics as a new methodological procedure is composed of works in corpus linguistics, focused mainly on the study of selection and methods of presenting information in the corpus to obtain a complete picture of the phenomenon and language in general.


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How to Cite
Reshetnyk, O. A. (2021). DEFINITIONS OF DIAGNOSTICS NOTION AND RELATED TERMS. New Philology, (84), 215-221.