Keywords: innovative educational communication, ICT, e-learning, hybrid learning, digital competences thesaurus, modelling, phenomenological neoliguistics


The paper main focus is the inquiry into the theoretical and methodological principles of the study of the innovative educational communication in the digital realm (innovative educational communication in the digital ambient as construed by the transformative innovative strata and communicative application, facilitated by the modern European and Oriental languages of global communication – English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Japanese, accordingly). The problem of theoretical and methodological substantiation of cross-cutting principles, directions, mechanisms, and results of qualitative modeling of macro- and microstructures of verbal means and processing tools in the realm of digital educational communication, as a consolidated linguistic object, is investigated in depth. Mosaic, simulation, multidimensional, and framework approaches to understanding complex dynamic linguistic phenomena and entities, prioritized by this methodological context, allowed us to identify the ontological nature of educational communication units of the globalized languages in the sphere of innovative educational communication. The ICT, e-learning, hybrid learning, digital competencies thesaurus, that facilitates innovative educational communication, is structured to define and categorize the key components of innovative cyberterminology, instrumental to e-learning environment construction and functioning. Suggested are the innovative educational communication macro-, micro- and supra-structures modeling and digital processing based on three groundwork principles: 1) Intranet educational anthroposphere (the anthropic environment within World Wide Web); 2) Outernet educational anthroposphere (e-reality components, functions outside the realm of World Wide Web); 3) Technogenic educational anthroposphere (transoriented anthropic environment components with an anthropic-for-congenerous substituted ontological parameter). The dynamic interaction of the structural tiers of the ICTs content plane within the strata of innovative educational communication is characterized by the anthropogenic and cognitive parameters of the content plane, mediated by the subjective and collective cognitive experience of digital education stakeholders, embodied in the framework digital transformation of innovative communicative educational scenarios.


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