Keywords: proper name, common name, anthroponym, French language, morphological characteristics, language functioning, onomastic research


The article gives a deep analysis of linguistic researches on French proper names-anthroponyms, the functional orientation of proper names, and their morphological characteristics. It has been emphasized on the significant contribution of scientists to this problem. The prospects for further scientific research has been also described. The interest in the study of French names-anthroponyms is caused by the opposition of proper names to the general ones, with which their semantic and morphological features are connected. It is mentioned that the fundamental characteristic of all proper names is to be an individual name, which affects the nature of its lexical content directly. Scientists propose to consider the context as a determining factor for establishing the meaning of a proper name because a proper name has both linguistic and speech meaning. Determining the functional orientation of a proper name is primarily associated with the fact that it names individual objects and is formed as a result of a language operation, where the selection of a particular object in some situations is made in order to name it. There are several points of view concerning the nature of the lexical meaning of a proper name: proper name as a semantically empty sign, lack of lexical meaning, and vice versa. Proper name has both linguistic and speech meaning. Describing the category of number, the inflection -s is often used for surnames, for surnames of noble families; in particular, otherwise, to emphasize uniqueness inflection is absent. It has been emphasized also that the category of determination of nouns is not recognized by all scholars, but all researchers are convinced that proper anthroponyms do not need determination because they are determined and defined in the language already. The lack of a clearly defined syntactic status of the common/proper name opposition allows talking about the transition of proper names into the category of common.


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