Keywords: connotation, semantics, phenomenon, noun, lexical and semantic occasionalisms, press, explication


The connotation in the article is represented as a lexical-semantic phenomenon, which is expressed by a complex terminological paradigm, dialectical structural organization and semantic diversity. As a linguistic phenomenon, connotation is closely linked to innovative, historical, pragmatic, and axiological modifications in society. Occasionally expressed tokens represent changes in the linguistic picture of the world, expressing psychological, extralingual, semiotic perspectives of real/ unreal space. Particular attention is paid to the usual and occasional differential nouns with connotative meaning, which are actively used in the language of the Ukrainian press. Usually diverse nouns with connotative meaning include actively used, productively functional lexical units. Occasionally differential nouns with connotative meaning are those that are divided into lexical ones, in which the new form and content of the token are represented, and semantic ones, which are characterized by a new content, and the form remains unchanged. Identifying the meaning of lexically and semantically occasional nouns with connotative expression is possible due to: 1) subtextual potentiality, which helps to reveal the essence and specificity of connotative meaning; 2) associative reactions that encourage the creation of a figurative picture of the world and explication of the semantic potential of connotatively expressed tokens; 3) textual components that serve to express and transfer semantic potential connotative expression and can stand in the preposition or postposition according to the analyzed word; 4) quotation marks that perform the function of distinguishing the semantic load of the token in certain contextual situations; 5) semantic modifications, characterized by a change in meaning in the information contextual plane, which reveals the connotative potential of the analyzed word. Lexically and semantically occasional nouns with connotative meaning in the language of the Ukrainian press focus and emphasize innovations that occur in all spheres of life.


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How to Cite
Mironenko, O. V. (2021). EXPLICATION OF LEXICALLY AND SEMANTICALLY OCCASIONAL NOUNS WITH CONNOTIVE EXPRESSION IN THE LANGUAGE OF THE UKRAINIAN PRESS. New Philology, (83), 181-185. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-83-26