Keywords: repetition, poetry, alliteration, assonance, anaphora, epiphora


The article studies the problem of principles and forms of sound organization of the text, which is relevant for modern linguistics. The research characterizes sound repetitions, identifies their varieties, analyzes the main stylistic functions of sound repetitions and reveals the specifics of their functioning in the poetic speech of Yuriy Klen. The most frequent linguistic means of Yuriy Klen’s poetic style include constructions built on repetition. They distinguish different types of repetitions. The most common of them in Yuriy Klen’s poetic style include alliteration, assonance, anaphora and epiphora. The artist’s poems are characterized by reduplicated repetitions of consonant sounds for forming the rhythmic melody of the poem to fasten the parts into the unity and act as a means of composition. Repetitions of vowels in the poems of Yuriy Klen occur less frequently than repetitions of consonants. Vowel sounds often create a kind of sound background, on which the other components (sound, rhythmic, ideological and semantic ones) become more noticeable. Sometimes the reception of reduplicated repetitions of the same vowel and consonant sounds becomes important in creating poetic images. The most common in the works of Yuriy Klen is the sound anaphora, in which the author creates bright sound-symbolic images by repeating the initial sounds of words. The phonetic epiphora in Yuriy Klen’s poetic speech has significant expressive possibilities. Epiphora when individual words are repeated at the end of lines, sentences, which enhances the meaning of the repeated words is less commonly used. Yuriy Klen uses different types of repetition as an important stylistic tool that promotes speech expressiveness, enhances its expression and expressive abilities. Various sound repetitions in Yuriy Klen’s poems are an important constructive means, a way of expressing the content of a work of art. The melodiousness is achieved by the appropriate arrangement of sounds that create a kind of sound pattern. In Yuriy Klen’s poetic speech repetition plays an important role in reflecting the inner world of the lyrical hero, the state of excitement, heightened emotional reaction. For the most part, repetition enhances the figurative depiction of the duration, multiplicity, and sequence of action. In the poet’s language, repetition is an important means of expression, through which the author emphasizes and stresses the various semantic and stylistic nuances of the belles-lettres style text.


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How to Cite
Kabysh, M. Y. (2021). REPETITION AS THE STYLISTIC DEVICE IN YURIY KLEN’S POETRY. New Philology, 1(81), 148-154.