Keywords: intention, Thesis, plea, reasoning, discourse


The article deals with analysis and detection the features of argumentative structures peculiar to argumentative structures of English review papers. The review of vibration and acoustic measurement methods for the detection of defects in rolling element bearings is used as an example. The review paper is considered as a sort of the genre of scientific article. The latter is known to be the central dominant genre because it has all features of the scientific discourse, argumentative strategies being very important. The author asserts that a relatively stable composition of the review paper id determined by a number of factors, namely: its scientific task – to evaluate some advantages and disadvantages of devices, methods or achievements in a certain area of knowledge; its communicative task – to give guidance to the reader. The combination of composition and strategy depending on communicative purpose suggests the presence of typical argumentative structures, realized both in the form of argumentative fragments and in a total argumentative arrangement of article as a whole. It was shown that the foundation of argumentative fragment is the argument that has logical structure determined by the Toulmin’s model. An argumentative fragment extraction is performed according to a number if criteria due to intention, genre and function analysis. It was found that the presence of argumentative fragments is evidenced by the author’s manifestation of the intention to persuade the reader. Identification of the intention is performed either through the agency of lexical and grammar means or with the help of the genre composition study established by its communicative purpose. It was concidered that the argument consists of two parts, namely: the Thesis and a plea based on facts or other true data, the Thesis must be inferred from the data. It was specified that typical argumentative arrangement of review paper is composed of two parts: 1) reasoning of the review expediency in the introductory chapter; 2) argumentation with the paper conclusion as the Thesis in the corresponding chapter. Both of argumentation structures are of evaluative nature.


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How to Cite
Doronkina, N. E. (2021). RESEARCH OF THE ENGLISH REVIEW PAPER ARGUMENTATIVE STRUCTURE. New Philology, 1(81), 102-107.