Keywords: cognitive stylistics, cognitive lexicography, conceptualization, conceptual picture of the world, ethnos, stylistic mark


The article is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the stylistic subsystem “littéraire” from the point of view of the cognitive and communicative paradigm. It is determined that the stylistic meanings of the words including artistic are the means of preserving and transmitting knowledge. Acting as the units of the linguistic picture of the world, which have an evaluative essence stylistically marked verbal signs, represent a unique vision of the world be native speakers. In the light of the cognitive approach, stylistics considers the system of lexical signs from the point of view of their focus on the generation of stylistically marked information. So, the apparatus of cognitive linguistics can be used to comprehend and interpret deep mental mechanisms that produce stylistically and cultural precedent information. The stylistic meaning of the language sign in the article is understood as an expressive and evaluative quantum of knowledge about the concept based on the associative and figurative perception of the surrounding reality. Thus, the stylistic meaning, which contains different aspects of knowledge and fixed in the lexicographic sources helps to reveal the features of the conceptualization of reality by native speakers. From the point of view of modern cognitive researches, lexical and stylistic subsystems of language can be studied as mental models that correlate with certain sets of lexical and stylistic marked units. These mental models contain ideas about the use of language depending on the communication situation and are formed based on stylistic layers of vocabulary. During the research, it is defined, that the lexical and stylistic system of the French language has a mental organization and can be understood in the form of cognitive structures. The most representative mental stylistic models are “littéraire”, “familier”, “populaire”, “vulgaire” and “argot”. They represent information about the specific use of relevant lexical items in certain communication situations. The mental stylistic model “littéraire” is the information about the widespread use of the word in the artistic style of speech with a pronounced expressive and evaluative connotation. The development of the mental stylistic model “littéraire” takes place through a conceptual rethinking of the realities of the surrounding reality, which is reflected on the state of the French language.


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How to Cite
Volgina, O. O. (2021). DYNAMICS OF THE MENTAL STYLISTIC MODEL “LITTÉRAIRE” IN MODERN FRENCH LANGUAGE. New Philology, 1(81), 73-78. https://doi.org/10.26661/2414-1135-2021-81-1-11