Keywords: term, translation methods, lexical equivalent, transcoding, tracing, grammatical transformations


The article is aimed at the study of features and methods of translation of chemical terminology from English into Ukrainian. Particular attention is paid to the translation of complex terms. To more accurately and correctly translate the term, it is necessary to know its word-forming and morphological structure, and semantic differences from common words. Moreover, according to their structure, terms have been divided into simple, derivatives – suffix, prefix, suffix-prefix, complex, and phrase-terms. It can be noted that the accuracy of the translation of prefix terms often depends on a clear and accurate definition of the meaning of the prefix and knowledge of the broad meaning of the term with a particular prefix. The formation of terms with suffixes in English is as correct and productive a way of forming terms as prefixation. An important condition for a clear and correct translation of suffix terms is knowledge of the meanings of suffixes and the main ways of translating terms with one or another suffix. It is worth noting that a complex term is a fixed phrase with a certain meaning of the term. The vast majority of terms are prepositional attributive phrases, i.e., a phrase that has a definition, and the presented component occupies the initial position in the phrase. The study also proved that the translation of complex terms includes two main processes – analysis and synthesis. At the stage of analysis, an important role in the translation of phrases is the translation of its various components. For this reason, the components of complex terms must be correctly defined, as both words and phrases can become a part of complex terms. It has been also important to identify the semantic relationship between the components and the main components of the phrase. The nature of these relations has determined the order and content of the translation of complex terms. What is more, since the linguistic symbol representing the concept of a special field of science or technology, scientific and technical terms have been an important part of scientific and technical texts. Due to ambiguity, lack of translation equivalents and national differences, it is also one of the main difficulties in its translation.


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How to Cite
Besaha, A. A., & Albota, S. M. (2021). TRANSLATION FEATURES OF CHEMICAL TERMS. New Philology, 1(81), 19-24.