Keywords: lexical layers, lexical filling, special terminology, customs terms


This article focuses on lexical features of English Customs documents. The object of this research is the complex of English Customs documents (Customs Declaration, Cargo Declaration, Certificate of Origin, Phytosanitary Certificate, Certificate of Quality, Weight List, ATA Carnet, Invoice, Proforma-Invoice). The aims of this study were to distinguish the main lexical layers in such texts, to analyze the features of their coexistence and to determine factors, which influence on its balancing in the text of customs document. The layers of lexis which are typical for this complex are defined. English Customs documents were not the object of complex research in linguistics before now, and this caused the actuality of this paper. In this research it was found out, that English Customs document is represented as an informative dialogue. Filling variable components is based on the compatibility with the present elements including semantic, lexical, grammatical levels all together. In consequence of analysis the features of complex system organization of such texts, which correlate its lexical filling during the forming of document, were established. It was found out, that the significant influence on receiving certain «coloring» of document has special vocabulary, which can be formed out of the following lexical layers: customs lexis, economic terminology, legal terminology, nomenclature lexis, abbreviations and reductions. Moreover, the main factor, which transforms the percentage compound of lexical layers in the format of the customs document, was defined in the process of the detailed study of the actual material. It is a genre of document. The practical importance of this study is in defining of global structuring of business text by considering its specific lexical features. As a result, variable components from the recipient in the part of a module or a sub-block are formed. The conclusion about importance of special lexis in formation of English Customs documentation is made.


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How to Cite
SVETLICHNAYA, A. A. (2017). LEXICAL FEATURES OF ENGLISH CUSTOMS DOCUMENTS. New Philology, (70), 173-177. Retrieved from http://www.novafilolohiia.zp.ua/index.php/new-philology/article/view/252