Keywords: individual metaphor, concept, lingual and cognitive reconstruction


The article broaches the necessity of linguo-cognitive reconstruction and explication of the main imaginative concept in the works by one of the prominent French poets René Char (René Char, 1907-1988), whose poetic heritage, according to his contemporaries and critics, is imbues with deep philosophical speculations about the sense of life, human existence and human intelligence. Metaphysics, being a fashionable trend in the surrealistic genre of European poetry in the 20s-30s of the previous century, takes an important place in his works. His prose poems are characterized by brief aphoristic nature, precision and amazing laconic brevity created by unique and deep individuality which is sometimes difficult to perceive: he does not just connect abstract senses with abstract ones or actual with actual, he combines the concepts which seem to be irreconcilable at first sight. All these stipulate modern interest to the investigation of linguo-poetic specific character of the author who Yves Berger considers to be the most ingenious master in words arrangement.


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How to Cite
АLEXEEVА. R. (2017). CHAR’S МETAPHOR. New Philology, (70), 13-16. Retrieved from