Keywords: advertising discourse, pragmatic and linguistic feature, discourse, semiotic space, personally oriented


The present investigation is undertaken in the functionaldiscoursive format. Discourse and communication are “the results of social relations” and the aim of the scholars is to understand how their meanings have been constructed and used across the totality of the human experience. The end-goal of our paper is to pinpoint the advertising discourse in the discourse typology and to reveal its major characteristics. The object of the investigation is an advertising discourse presented in the printed and electronic brochures. The topicality of our investigation is motivated by the necessity of an integral description of the advertising discourse for the theory of professional discourse and practice of its generating and interpreting.

The article focuses on the main definitions of advertising discourse in linguistics and its pragmatic and linguistic features. Pragmatic and linguistic feature of discourse aims at the singling out the communication as a motivated, aimed and strategic communicative act. Advertising discourse is apt to losing its “pure” informativity and acquires suggestive aspects where hypnosis plays significant role. It is used in travel brochures classified as “communicative acts” as replacement to “speech act”, limited to only spoken language. They are understood as “multimodal microevents in which all the signs present combine to determine its communicative intent”. 

We consider that pragmatic and linguistic features of advertising discourse are the main tool in attracting recipient’s attention and in controlling addressee’s further actions. Advertisement is a marketing tool used in the sphere of tourism with the aim to arouse potential tourists’ interest and create an idealistic image of object in their consciousness. Advertisement provides solutions to the number of problems, teaches, and models the behavior and lifestyle via text, visualization and audio representations that all influence the postcommunicative actions of the addressee.

We must admit that the advertising discourse is a special type of discourse where verbal and nonverbal means are employed to persuade the client to buy the products and services and motivate the clients to leave the positive feedback afterwards.



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How to Cite
KOLISNYCHENKO, T. V. (2020). APPROACHES TO ADVERTISING DISCOURSE STUDY. New Philology, (79), 67-72. Retrieved from