• N. V. Honcharenko-Zakrevska
  • O. M. Verkhovtsova
Keywords: syntax, sentence, communicative organization, topic, rhyme, semantic connections


The adequacy of the translation of any text depends not only on the correct reproduction of the meaning of the words, but also on the placement of accents of the utterance, compliance with the full or partial syntactic aspect. Usually the narrative sentence has a direct word order, which greatly facilitates the translation from French into Ukrainian. However, finding a rhyme at the beginning (or middle) of a sentence may also be due to the need for its positional contact with the members of the previous sentence; split of the common rhyme; rhythm; the author's desire to quickly express the main idea. In most cases – if not all – the structure of the topic is deliberately formed by the writer. And the translator must be able to convey its hidden meaning, otherwise the accuracy of the translation will be questionable. The results of the research show that, except in cases where the above differences are determined by the grammatical structure, the translation should always reproduce the thematic structure created by the author's idea. It is safe to say that awareness of the thematic structure can be a valuable tool for determining the quality of translation. The analysis of the source text involves taking into account all linguistic aspects: semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic. In contrast to scientific and socio-political texts, the literary text appears as a multilayered inhomogeneous structure in terms of composition and in terms of plot and semantic connections, which is reflected in the ways of arranging the elements of the actual division. Learning to recognize and distinguish the theme and rhyme is necessary for the logically correct construction of the text, because one of the criteria for the correct transfer of the text in translation is its structure, and hence coherence, logic, integrity. Therefore, in order to perform an adequate translation, the ability to analyze the text and find the theme and rhyme is important. The theory of actual division of the sentence is a tool for identifying a variety of means that help preserve the expressive nature of the language in translation.


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How to Cite
Honcharenko-Zakrevska, N. V., & Verkhovtsova, O. M. (2020). ACTUAL DIVISION OF THE SENTENCE WHEN TRANSLATING A FRENCH TEXT. New Philology, 1(80), 128-133.